
Preserving Food, Faith, and Family

A week well lived…

This past week I’ve been incognito on the blog so that I could spend some quality time with my kids. Sometimes its hard to balance it all and when I look back, I know it’ll be time with my kids that I’ll miss most. (Although, there are numerous moments every day when I wonder why I got myself into this mess called motherhood!)

So I thought I’d share what I’ve done in my time off…

In the summer the kids & I pick berries and sometimes we use them immediately. But often, I am so exhausted after berry picking that I freeze them for later usage. Well, that later available time on my hands finally appeared and I made berry jam and a berry crisp on Saturday.

June berries frozen for winter usage

Berry Jam made with local honey for a sweetener

Berry Crisp ~ Scrumptious!

And then last week I ordered an extra bag of carrots from the local farm grocer but had no idea how many was actually in a bag! So imagine my surprise when I saw all these carrots in my produce bags. Hence, we had to get a little creative…    Ta Da…salsa verde chicken enchiladas with roasted carrots. (On a side note…does everyone love roasted veggies as much as me? Tender and sweet on the inside and crunchy and salty on the outside.)

Carrots from a local farm

...like my new plates???

And to keep it all in perspective about what matters…here is what greeted me on the couch this evening! I am guessing this was some type of battlefield/dinosaur construction site. (A little almost 4 year old who should be sleeping but is now by my side has just informed me that it is pluff mud and they were ‘just stuck, mom’.)

A child's masterpiece

Do you enjoy eating playdoh? Random question to end with but can I just say – my daughter loves it and it is disgusting tasting. I made it myself hoping that the homemade version which is pretty much 100% salt would ward her off. Nope…

So here’s to playdoh masterpieces and spending time with your kids,


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One thought on “A week well lived…

  1. Love this, Jess. Playdoh messes are what is all about. But your jam and crisp look MUCH more tasty! Yum.

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